Here’s a ground breaking revelation I made last night: life is hard. When you are following Jesus and chasing after all He has for you, there will be persecution. This is all but promised to us in 2 Timothy 2:13 “Yes, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.”
In times such as these, it’s only normal that you may feel a bit heavier. The phrase that comes to mind is “down in the dumps.” Sometimes all we need is a gentle reminder of some of the daily smile-cracking treasures we easily forget. For some it can be as simple as a good cup of coffee, and for others it could be sleeping in fresh sheets. It’s different for everyone. That being said, please enjoy my top 10 reasons to smile today. Maybe you’ll even discover some to add to your own list!
In no particular order…
Smile #1: Stars in a clear night sky. In my opinion, nothing can humble you faster than a quick look at a night full of stars. We are so small in the world, yet God still chooses to love us. So cool.
Smile #2: Puppies! No Explanation needed.
Smile #3: Children playing. Kids don’t have a worry in the world most of the time. Pick up on the infectious energy of pure joy when children are playing.
Smile #4: Springtime. Look past the allergies and constant rain: It’s beautiful! Birds are chirping and flowers are blooming woohoo.
Smile #5: My favorite childhood movie “The Lion King.” There are SO many life lessons to be learned here. AND biblical references. This movie is an instant smile-initiator.
Smile #6: You’re close group of friends. They accept you and your weirdness, probably because they are just as weird. When I’m with these people my tummy aches from laughter.
Smile #7: Love potion ice cream from Baskin Robbins. If you’ve never tried/ heard of this heavenly masterpiece of ice cream, you are so welcome.
Smile #8: My nephew, the CUTEST baby boy in the universe.
Smile #9: A favorite country. (Nicaragua for me!)
Smile #10: Jesus moments. Sometimes I’ll reminisce on some of my sweetest moments with Jesus, and can’t help but smile.
There you have it! You now have no excuse not to smile today!