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I’d die for my passions.

At first glance, this title sounds awfully cryptic. But it’s 100% true. I would die for my passions. And I don’t just mean surface level “passions” that are more like hobbies. My passions are essential to who I am and how God uses me for the Kingdom.

My first 2 weeks of CGA have been comparable to the first couple weeks of college as a freshman. Everything is new, exciting, and nerve-racking. I’ve felt pings of being homesick and was worried me and my roommate would be instant enemies. This was an irrational and dramatic fear. My roommate’s name is Kristie, and she’s awesome, and I love her. 

During one of my classes this week, the teacher asked a simple question that is tossed around often. “What are your passions?” My table discussed things such as writing, music, ministry, worship, horseback riding, and a few other things. The teacher then asked a follow up question, “Would you die for them?” This question was met with silence. Um… no I would not die for writing.

He then challenged us to reevaluate his initial question. Our true passions should be a gift from God. They should be things so powerful and vital to the Kingdom, that we would die for them. My new answer was children. I’m passionate about loving children and orphans in a way that they may experience a portion of God’s love for them and come to know Him deeply as their Father at a young age. I would die for them. Also, women. I’m passionate about empowering women in their identity as a daughter of Christ and encouraging them to walk out their calling. I would die for them. I am passionate about family. Family is a beautiful gift from God. God desires to heal and mend brokenness in families and I am passionate about facilitating His work in the family when He calls me too. I would die for my family, and my many spiritual families I have met around the world. And finally, the Gospel. I personally believe that this should be a core passion shared between all followers of Jesus. I am passionate about spreading the Gospel- the good new of Jesus Christ. I would die for the Gospel to be known. 

The Lord has placed deep passions in our hearts so that He may be known through them. In my time here at CGA and throughout the rest of my life, I hope to learn how to better put my passions to use for the Kingdom.

I will leave you with the same questions that my teacher asked us in class.

What are your passions?

What would you die for? 

What are you doing about them?