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About Me

Hello all! Here are some fun facts and info about me. I’m fascinating (Kind of joking).

My full name is Madison Rose Muniz and I am 20 years old. My meyers Briggs is a shakey ISFJ and my redemptive gift is thought to be prophet, although I’m still not convinced. SIDENOTE: If you are a follower of Jesus and haven’t learned about redemptive gifts- look into it. It’s really cool. 

I am an obsessive chocolate eater. I think I may have and addiction. I love hiking, discovering waterfalls, walk on the beach, and travel. Nicaragua has my heart and I hope to return as a long term missionary one day. I speak Spanish and personally believe it is the most beautiful language. 

My perfect day would involve 70 degree weather, my eno, a really great book, and a breath-taking view.

I am the middle child of 4 kids and I have 2 sisters who I love and a super cute little brother who is growing up way to fast. My parents are great and I love them a lot. 

I also have nephew who is hands down the cutest baby of the century- sorry to all the other babies. 

That’s all for now! ??